Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae



PhD in Conservation Biology

Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

Advisers: Dr. Scott Nielsen & Dr. Mark Edwards


MSc in Biology

Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California

Adviser: Dr. Sharyn Marks


BSc in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut

Minor: Anthropology


Peer-reviewed articles

L.J. Hecker, M.A. Edwards, and S.E. Nielsen. Behavioral habitat selection of (Bison bison athabascae) in Boreal forests. Mammal Research. Published April 12, 2023.

L.J. Hecker, M.A. Edwards, and S.E. Nielsen. 2021. Assessing the nutritional consequences of switching foraging behaviour in wood bison. Ecology & Evolution. 11(22):16165-16176.

Sheppard, A.H.C., L.J. Hecker, M.A. Edwards, and S.E. Nielsen. 2021. Determining the influence of snow and temperature on the movement rates of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 99(6):489-496.

Hecker, L.J., S.C.P. Coogan, S.E. Nielsen, and M.A. Edwards. 2020. Latitudinal plasticity in American bison (Bison bison) diets. Mammal Review. 51(2):193-206.

Shrestha, T.K., L.J. Hecker, A. Aryal, and S.C.P. Coogan. 2020. Feeding preferences and nutritional niche of wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee) in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal. Ecology & Evolution. 2020(00):1-9.

Hecker, L.J., W.T. Bean, and S.M. Marks. 2020. Compensatory microhabitat selection by Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) in a cool and wet macroclimate. Journal of Herpetology. 54(1):39-49.

Bean, W.T., R.C. Baumbusch, B. Berger, M. Delheimer, L.J. Hecker, M. Lau, and M.C. Milligan. 2017. What should go in a wildlife biologist’s geospatial toolbox? Wildlife Society Bulletin. 41(3):605-610.

Technical Reports

Rawleigh, G.J., L.J. Hecker, L.T. Dewart, D.M. Epperson, M.A. Edwards and S.E. Nielsen. 2021. Ronald Lake wood bison research program: 2021 annual Report. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 30 pp.

Rawleigh, G.J., L.J. Hecker, L.T. Dewart, D.M. Epperson, M.A. Edwards and S.E. Nielsen. 2021. Ronald Lake wood bison research program: 2021 semi-annual report. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 22 pp.

Dewart, L.T.,L.J. Hecker, D. Epperson, G. Rawleigh, A.C. Sheppard, S.E. Nielsen, and M.A. Edwards. 2020. Ronald Lake wood bison research program: 2020 annual report. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 44 pp.

Hecker, L.J., L.T. Dewart, D. Epperson, G. Rawleigh, A.C. Sheppard, S.E. Nielsen, and M.A. Edwards. 2020. Ronald Lake wood bison research program: 2020 semi-annual report. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 37 pp.

Hecker, L.J., L.T. Dewart, D. Epperson, M.A. Edwards, and S.E. Nielsen. 2019b. Ronald Lake wood bison research program: 2019 annual report. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 46 pp.

Hecker, L.J., L.T. Dewart, R.J. Belanger, M.A. Edwards, and S.E. Nielsen. 2019a. Ronald Lake wood bison research program: Semi-annual progress report 2019. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 20 pp.

Belanger, R.J., L.J. Hecker, L.T. Dewart, S.E. Nielsen, and M.A. Edwards. 2018b. Ronald Lake wood bison research program: Annual report 21 December 2018. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 30 pp.

Belanger, R.J., L.J. Hecker, S.E. Nielsen, and M.A. Edwards. 2018a. Ronald Lake wood bison research program: Semi-annual report 2018. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 16 pp.

Belanger, R.J., C.A. DeMars, L. J. Hecker, M.A. Edwards, and S.E. Nielsen. 2017. Ronald Lake wood bison annual report: November 30, 2017. Ronald Lake Bison Report. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1. 76 pp.


Forest Ecology and Management

Environmental Conservation

Ecology & Evolution

Research Experience


Contract Biologist Athabasca-Chipewyan First Nation

Provides guidance on field methodology and analytical techniques. Also, provides support to field work and general project guidance.

Supervisors: Dr. Darren Epperson


Contract Biologist Parks Canada

Conduct literature review of vital rates of the genus Bison for a population viability analysis for Wood Buffalo National Park.

Supervisors: Drs. Kevin Hawkshaw & Gregory Wilson


Contract Biologist Parks Canada

Compares composition, and nutritional value of diets of two bison subspecies (plains and wood bison) from Elk Island National Park.

Supervisors: Drs. Rob Found & Jonathan Demoor


Contract Biologist Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Fairbanks, Alaska

Conducted spatial analyses to determine bison herd ranges, movement metrics, and habitat selection in different age/sex groups.

Supervisor: Tom Seaton


Graduate Research Fellow / PhD Candidate, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

Designed and carried out PhD dissertation studying nutritional ecology of wood bison involving year-round fieldwork and extensive spatial analyses.

Advisers: Dr. Scott Nielsen & Dr. Mark Edwards Committee: Dr. Edward Bork


Field Supervisor, VITOL, St. Thomas, USVI

Organized and trained field crews to assist in collection and identification of icthyo-/phyto-plankton near a permanently anchored vessel.

Supervisor: Dr. Sennai Habtes


Research Assistant, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Worked with an interdepartmental group to design, circulate, and publish results of a survey exploring what geospatial skills wildlife professionals should possess.

Supervisor: Dr. Tim Bean


Field Technician, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, USVI

Assisted in the collection and tagging of green sea turtles for long term monitoring and research related to their movement.

Supervisor: Dr. Paul Jobsis


MSc Candidate, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Designed, acquired funding for, and carried out an MSc thesis investigating habitat selection in northern Pacific rattlesnakes at multiple spatial scales.

Adviser: Dr. Sharyn Marks; Committee: Dr. Tim Bean, Dr. Lowell Diller, Dr. Mark Hemphill-Haley


Field Technician, O’Brien Biological Consultants, Eureka, CA

Conducted surveys of the endangered marbled murrelet in accordance with US Fish & Wildlife surveying protocols in redwood forests.

Supervisor: Brit O'Brien


Instructional Student Assistant, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Represented my department in an interdisciplinary group tasked with designing a geospatial information system program for graduate students.

Supervisor: Dr. Jim Graham


Research Assistant, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Curated the herpetological research and teaching collections after they were moved to a new facility.

Supervisor: Dr. Sharyn Marks


Research Assistant, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Worked with colleagues from Museo de La Plata in Argentina to study differences in Peccary species’ cranial features using museum specimens.

Supervisor: Dr. Margaret Rubega & Susan Hochgraf


Independent Study, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Prepared and curated over 30 avian specimens for the research collections and taught other students and post-docs preparation techniques.

Supervisor: Dr. Margaret Rubega & Susan Hochgraf


Field Supervisor, University of Maine, Orono, ME

Taught field technicians how to identify and survey Maine’s amphibian species by sight and sounds at all life stages and led field research activities.

Supervisors: Dr. Luke Groff, Dr. Cynthia Loftin, & Dr. Aram Calhoun


Field School, Entabeni Wildlife Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Completed a field course in African wildlife ecology including workshops teaching mist-netting, track and sign, and venomous snake handling.

Supervisor: Dr. Morty Ortega


Field Technician, University of Maine, Orono, ME

Assisted a MSc in forestry with their fieldwork in the Penobscot Experimental Forest including identifying tree species and measuring water table levels.

Supervisor: Collin Calhoun

Conference Participation

Oral Presentations


Latitudinal plasticity in American bison (Bison bison) diets.

Northern Research Day, Edmonton, Alberta


Habitat suitability and selection of Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) at multiple spatial scales.

Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology Annual Conference, Blue Lake, California


Habitat suitability and selection of Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) at multiple spatial scales.

California State University Student Research Competition, Bakersfield, California

Poster Presentations


Migration leads to nursery herd formation in a wild wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) population.

International Bison Convention, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Latitudinal plasticity in American bison (Bison bison) diets.

Forest Industry Lecture Series, Edmonton, Alberta


Functional macronutrient selection by a large herbivore, the North American bison (Bison bison).

American Bison Society Conference & Workshop, Santa Fe, New Mexico


Migratory behaviour of a free ranging wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) herd.

Northern Research Day, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta


Influence of oil sands exploration on the foraging ecology of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae).

Canadian Oil Sand Innovation Alliance Annual Forum, Calgary, Alberta


Hibernaculum selection by Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) in Humboldt County.

IdeaFest, Arcata, California

Field Trips Led


Rattlesnake hibernaculum site visit.

Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology Annual Conference, Blue Lake, California



Northern Scientific Training Program: $4,000


University of Alberta Northern Research Awards: $3,000


Northern Scientific Training Program: $3,000


University of Alberta Northern Research Awards: $2,400


Alberta Conservation Association’s Challenge Grants in Biodiversity: $12,435


Northern Scientific Training Program: $2,040


University of Alberta Northern Research Awards: $3,200


Humboldt State University Master’s Student Research Grant: $450


Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund, American Museum of Natural History: $1,652


Humboldt State University Master’s Student Research Grant: $400



Northern Scientific Training Program & University of Alberta's Northern Research Awards

Teaching Experience


Spring 2022

WLE 470: Wildlife Policy and Aministration

Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology, University of Maine

Fall 2021

Bio 329/331: Vertebrate Biology

Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology, University of Maine

Teaching Assistant


RENR 205: Wildlife Biodiversity and Ecology

Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta


RENR 201: Introduction to Geomatic Techniques in Natural Resource Management

Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta


Biol 102: Human Biology

Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University


Biol 104: General Biology

Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University

Guest Lecturer


"A critique of the wildlife aspect of an environmental impact assessment"

Environmental Assessment Principles and Methods

Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta


"A critique of the wildlife aspect of an environmental impact assessment"

Environmental Assessment Principles and Methods

Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta


"Northern Pacific Rattlesnake habitat selection at multiple spatial scales"


Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University


"Northern Pacific Rattlesnake habitat selection at multiple spatial scales"


Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University

Students Supervised

Senior Theses


Aidan Sheppard, BSc student, University of Alberta.

“The influence of winter conditions on bison movement.” Funded by NSERC.

Field Technicians


Aidan Sheppard, BSc student, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB


Alex Coley, BSc student, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS


Neal Josephs, BSc student, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC


Shayda Abidi, BSc student, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA


Shelby Daniel, BSc student, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA


Szuzanna Gooris, BSc student, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA


Spencer Murphy, BSc student, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Related Professional Experiences


Guide Manager, Virgin Islands EcoTours, St. Thomas & St. John, USVI

Trained guides, wrote the guide manual, and taught guests about island history and identification of local flora and fauna.

Supervisor: Sybille Sorrentino


Assistant Animal Caretaker, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

Coordinated schedules with other students to clean, feed, and monitor animals in the live animal collection facility.

Supervisor: Dr. Sharyn Marks

Community Outreach



Rawleigh, G.J. & L.J. Hecker 2022. The Ronald Lake wood bison herd: observations from their home. Nature Alberta. Summer 2022.

Oral Presentations


Community outreach video

Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team, Fort MacMurray, AB


Graduate Research Talks

Environment and Conservation Society, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB


Ronald Lake Wood Bison Project

Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team semi-annual meeting, Fort McMurray, AB


Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: Semi-annual research results and update, May 2019

Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team semi-annual meeting, Fort McMurray, AB


Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: Semi-annual research results and update, November 2018

Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team semi-annual meeting, Fort McMurray, AB


Ronald Lake Wood Bison Research Program: Update & 2018 Research Objectives

Ronald Lake Bison Herd Technical Team semi-annual meeting, Edmonton, AB


Habitat suitability and selection of Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) at multiple spatial scales

Zoology Club, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA


Amphibians of the north coast

Earth, Water, and Fire Day, Eel River Recover Project, Garberville, CA



Presentation judge for Northern Research Day

University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB


Métis Days

Fort McKay, AB


Ronald Lake Wood Bison Herd Technical Team semi-annual meeting

Fort McMurray, AB


Provided assistance with daily responsibilities at local ranches

Big Bend Ranch, Maple Creek, CA

Field Trips Led


Elk Island Wood Bison Trail Hike

Waskahegan Trail Association, Elk Island National Park, AB


Boy Scout Troop 54 visits rattlesnake hibernacula

Maple Creek, CA


Firefighters visit rattlesnake hibernacula

Maple Creek, CA


Rattlesnake handling workshop

Maple Creek, CA


Rattlesnake handling workshop

Maple Creek, CA

Honors and Awards


Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship: $12,000


Second place oral presentation, 24th annual Northern Research Day, University of Alberta


Outstanding Student Research Award, Humboldt State University


Eagle Scout

Professional Skills and Certifications

Programming languages: R, html

Experienced using programs: Microsoft Office, ArcGIS, MaxEnt, Google Earth

Extensive backcountry research, backpacking, camping experience

Citizen of the United States of America and Canada


CPR, first aid, and emergency oxygen provider certified


Chemical immobilization of wildlife


Snowmobile safety certified


Chainsaw safety level II certified


Wilderness first aid level III certified


ATV safety certified


SCUBA: Open Water, Deep Water, and Nitrox


Completed Ritz Carlton’s “Legendary Service” customer service training


Marbled Murrelet survey training


Track and sign level II certification