March 14, 2020

Northern Research Day

Northern Research Day

The University of Alberta's Circumpolar Student's Association annually hosts Northern Research Day.  The intention is to provide a low-stress environment for graduate students conducting research in northern (>40th parallel) and antarctic regions. The interdisciplinary event ignited  stimulating conversations that drew from the diverse backgrounds of the attendees.

I presented on a review I conducted on American bison (Bison bison) diets. Bison were once nearly ubiquitous across North America, but currently have a range restricted to conservation areas (see range maps at bottom). The current herd ranges still occupy a diversity of habitats exposing these mega-herbivores to a variety of plants for forage. I was curious about how consistent bison diets remained throughout their range and how that related to the nutrients they acquire from the different foods. I found significant changes in terms of the foods bison consume and the nutrients they acquire along a latitudinal gradient. I posit that these changes in diet are contributed to differences in the physical appearance between bison further north and south. This research has been submitted to the journal Mammal Review.

Bison in the Nordquist herd foraging in the Yukon, Canada