Lee Hecker

Lee Hecker

emali: leejhecker@gmail.com phone: (207) 944-8032

Edmonton, Alberta
6 posts
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Jan 4, 2022

New publication: winter's influence on wood bison

New publication: winter's influence on wood bison

Determining the influence of snow and temperature on the movement rates of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) [https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/abs/10.1139/cjz-2020-0280?casa_token=AKo0m-qy4GwAAAAA%3AgKKTctgmBEB0imlu8Frjjv7tD43h_Smu2D6yrnIOmK6x4DxGzOm3cJHWECsRZB5GOX_gxqGA7Ois&journalCode=

Aug 5, 2020

New publication in Ecology & Evolution

New publication in Ecology & Evolution

Feeding preferences and nutritional niche of wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee) in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.6183] - Tej K. Shrestha, Lee J. Hecker,

Mar 14, 2020

New publication

New publication

Compensatory Microhabitat Selection by Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus oreganus) in a Cool and Wet Macroclimate [https://bioone.org/journals/Journal-of-Herpetology/volume-54/issue-1/17-153/Compensatory-Microhabitat-Selection-by-Northern-Pacific-Rattlesnakes-Crotalus-oreganus-oreganus/10.1670/17-153.full] - L.J. Hecker,

Mar 14, 2020

Northern Research Day

Northern Research Day

The University of Alberta's Circumpolar Student's Association annually hosts Northern Research Day [https://circumpolarstudentassociation.weebly.com/].  The intention is to provide a low-stress environment for graduate students conducting research

Mar 14, 2020

American Bison Society conference

American Bison Society conference

The American Bison Society [http://www.ambisonsociety.org/](ABS) was founded in the early 20th century by pioneering conservationists including Theodore Roosevelt and William Hornaday. The organization was responsible for the first wildlife