Determining the influence of snow and temperature on the movement rates of wood
bison (Bison bison athabascae)
As part of my doctoral research program , I am part of a group of researchers
from the Royal Alberta Museum [] and and
University of Alberta [] that
Feeding preferences and nutritional niche of wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee)
in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve, Nepal
[] - Tej K. Shrestha, Lee
J. Hecker,
Compensatory Microhabitat Selection by Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus
oreganus oreganus) in a Cool and Wet Macroclimate
- L.J. Hecker,
The University of Alberta's Circumpolar Student's Association annually hosts
Northern Research Day []. The
intention is to provide a low-stress environment for graduate students
conducting research
The American Bison Society [](ABS) was founded in
the early 20th century by pioneering conservationists including Theodore
Roosevelt and William Hornaday. The organization was responsible for the first